Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mandalically Meeting Sarah

It's always cool to meet someone in person who you have first met
online. It's even cooler when that person is/was 5000 kms away, lives
in a country you never imagined you would visit and just happens to an
artist who specializes in collaborative mandalas! (I of course am the
latter too).

This weekend Abby and I met up with Sarah. Sarah and I first
connected on Facebook, then she began contributing to the 1Mandala co-
creation group-- all digital of course. We both resonate deeply with
a shared passion for mandalas and the oneness call.

How cool then to meet in person! And what a beautiful and onederful
way to meet-- we met Sarah, her artschool kids and a hundred other
people at an interfaith celebration here in Manilla! Half a dozen
faiths met to celebrate peace and oneness. How perfect is that?

Below are some shots of us meeting Sarah and the dozen kids she was
with. Her and the children lead the people from the gathering in the
creation of their own clay and crayon mandalas that were then added to
the grand collaborative mandala with a centre of rose pedals. Abby
and I worked for five of the kids to co-create a beautiful mini clay

Not only that but just as we began first shaking hands, the MC invited
everone up to start inter-culture dancing! Before we knew it we were
swept up in a dance with the kids and everyone else from a dozen
different countries! The MC called out the name of each country and
the person there led a dance from there country-- we went from the
Philipines to Holland to Nepal to Japan to... Canada!

What kind of dance do we do in Canada?! All I could think of, having
grown up in the Yukon, home of the Klondike goldrush and saloons was,
yep, the Kan-Kan! Ha ha! I got everyone in a circle and we kicked
ours legs high in the air!

Yeay Kanada!

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