Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trench or Tent? The lows.

My friend Vaughn has chided about blogging only about the highs of my journey.  He said surely I must not be writing about the lows!  

Well, Vaughn, there has been some lows of late.   The last few days haven't been so good-- wet to be precise.

The other night, not thinking that it would really rain hard I neglected to properly secure my tent's tarp.  It rained hard.  I woke up with cloths bag soaked.   I am in Normandy, and it is not known for its sunny autumn weather.  That day and the next were either cloudy or damp.  When finally the sun broke out, I happily set out my tent and cloths to dry while I checked my e-mail at a cafe.  A sun storm broke out!  All my stuff was soaked again.

Then the night after that, after working late from a McDonalds, I was forced to put up my tent in the dark, and in the rain.  THAT sucked.   It was the first time in my three months of my voyage that I had to do that.   It was a damp night in a mystery field.  

Then last night, camping in the region of La Somme France, I had a firsthand glimpse of what it must have been like for first world war soldiers.  Don't get me wrong, this area of France is really beautiful, but, it is muddy.   Everywhere.  The field where I set up my tent no exception.  There was also the first frost last night!  It was cold and damp.  

I woke up to a gray mist shrouding my gray muddy field.  Was I in a trench, or in a tent? 

 I had to pinch myself.  I can't even begin to imagine life in WW1 trench, day in day out.

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