Yesterday, Sarah and I made the long trip out to Caloocan, the barrio outside the city where Eric and his group of Muslim - Christian youth leaders live. These are the amazing kids that helped us lead the workshop with NHC high-school to make the clay candle holders for the peace ritual. The youth leaders were challenged by four times as many kids showing up than we had planned-- yet came through brilliantly. That's us posing in the photo above.
The purpose of our visit yesterday was to process the experience with them. These kids live way out of the city and just as far from the polical machinations of the country. To suddenly be on TV and meet the president was a major experience. I am glad we made it. Sarah and I saw how much emotion and thoughts they had to express. We went around the circle and shared.
Here's some of what came out of it.
"Nothing is impossible if we work together"
"Even though it looked impossible to teach so many kids, I learned that if the intention is good, beautiful things come of it."
"It was my first time to do something for change"
"When suddenly we had to work with 16 kids each [instead of the planned 4 per youth leader], I was like 'Can we do it?! 16 youth!'. But the kids were smiling so much with the clay that even though we were all tired the tiredness went away and we were able to show them all how to do it"
"I was soooo nervous when we were doing the rituals with all the officials"
"It was my first time face to face with the president"
"I got to see myself on TV"
"It's an honor to be a bridge for peace between Christians and Muslims."-Jafarri
"It was such an honor for the community to do something for the country." -Eric
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