Monday, January 5, 2009

Birds of Blessing

Hurtling down a winding Welsch road on the last day of the year, the crescent moon rose in the violet horizon.  Venus, the evening star, shone with uncanny brightness by its side.   Suddenly,  a flock of sparrows erupted from the trees in the distance.   Hundreds upon hundreds of birds streamed across the road in front of us.   It took a good thirty seconds to reach the flock that still continued to flowed across the road.   

As we passed underneath the last bird wisped past.

Since I was young I have taken the passing of a flock of birds as a sign that God is with me.   I remember opening my eyes after saying a prayer and seeing a sudden flash of birds fly by.   It made me shiver with reassurance.

As I contemplate my path into the new year, I look ahead with combination of immense apprehension and profound grattitude.  On the one hand my last seven months of travel have been enormously blessed.   Technically I should have starved in a French ditch long ago-- yet my weight and health and inner peace have never been better.   

On the other hand, I feel drawn to continue my cycle across Europe-- I had originally planned to stop in Berlin.   Looking at the map the other day, my eye crossed over a myriad of daunting sounding countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.   If I indeed continue, it will be one heck of a journey.

Christmas Day, I found myself in a 700 year old Welsch chapel with Louisa and her family.  I was overcome with a singular sensation: I am poised to have one of the most amazing years of my life.   

As the birds flooded by on the road, the feeling echoed on.

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