Sunday, January 25, 2009


Its the first time in my life, that I have had to adjust a shower downwards. Last night it was too high. Being tall, typically at a hotel, a house wherever, the shower head is too low.

That's not to say that I was on a low. Far from it! Yesterday, while having a coffee in the small town of Woodrichem, Holland, the owner, seeing my laden bike, invited me to stay the night with her family. It was only 4 PM, I was expecting to cycle alot more that day. However, it was rather wet outside, and still I had lots of work to do, and, well... it was truly a kind and timely offer.

But it wasn't just kindness that I experienced. It was an overwhelming warm, generous, and fun welcome by the nine members of the Liefe family-- most of who were well over 6ft tall! The dinner table was overflowing with not only good food, but people! Two sisters, five brothers and Mr. and Mrs. Fiege.

Matthias, the youngest taught me some new Dutch. Jim and I talked religion and middle east politics. Andrianna and I talked art and design. Then, over evening tea, the family and I sat around talked late into the night about culture, Canada and the world. I was even able to show them my 1mandala project online. What a wonderful evening!

And, what a warm, loving and together family.

Grace was said together before dinner. Everyone ate together-- with jovial jokes between the generations. The grandparents had even sent Jim some fruit that we had afterwards. All the siblings were not only interesting to talk to, but confident and clear in their conversation-- something that is surely inspired by growing up in such a thriving family environment.

Aside from the little matter of the shower head-- what a blessing! I left warm and ready for the road ahead.

Jim shared with me a Bible verse as I headed off:

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9)



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