Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today, I set off.  I leave comfort, I leave the known, and I push off into the fantastically daunting Unknown.

After taking a day to organize my stuff, fix my bike, and harmoniously conclude my time in Oosterhout, I cued my special iPod playlist and pushed down on the pedals. I headed down Abby's street and came to the familar highway intersection.  All my wordly possesions are on my bike.   Rather than turn to the right like I normally would, I turned to the left.   The sun glistened off the road, a faint breeze began to blow, a hawk dived through the sky.  

Holly molly... I am off!

I am confronting Fear head on.  Two weeks ago, I could barely imagine I would actually do this.  Europe is experiencing one of its coldest winters.  My route, to Berlin, heads North.  I have only one other friend in Holland to pass by, and after that, I know no one.   My Dutch is very basic, my German non-existent.    I have no idea if my winter sleeping bag is going to be warm enough.  I've have even been invited to take a trip to warm Morroco and Spain, and I have even have been offered a cabin in Belgium rent free for the Winter.   

But the road calls.  I feel it deeply.  And so, following the call of my heart, my path, I plunge into the unknown.

Its been about a month now that I have been taking a geographic lull from my journey.   The journey has certainly been continuing at another level as I've been passing through intense  lessons of life and love.   It felt quite right to take my prolonged Christmas, Wales and Holland break.  Indeed as I left Oosterhout, the very timing, down to the hour felt deeply right.  I couldn't have left earlier, or later even if I wanted to.  The threads of many different experiences tied together that morning with a harmony I could never have dreamed of orchestrating on my own.  

Viva la Vida plays as I type at a small cafe in Woudrichem, Holland.   I shiver.   I can say only one thing for sure.  Sadness, exhilaration, joy.  Onwards I go!

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