Sunday, March 15, 2009

6:56 am

A magnificient totally German meal later in the afternoon-- potatoe balls, red cabbage with Hare and coffee!

It's early in the morning as I type this from my tent and sleeping bag. Dozens of birds and geese tweat all around my in a grand symphonic alarm clock that has woken me up early. I don't have much else to do as I wait.

The grandmother at the farm house next door has invited me in for breakfast. However it's saturday morning and the rest of the family is sleeping in! Until 9 Am!

Last night I knocked on their door to ask if I could set up my tent. This area before 1989 used to be a heavily monitored and restricted area of East Germany. The few farmer's that were allowed to live here were seldom permitted guests. Special government permission was required. Imagine that, life without hospitality! When I have had a home that was my favorite part.

Perhaps that explains Rud's, the grandmother's enthusiasm, above the rest of her family, to call me in after I had set up my tent.

Kindness and hospitality are part of human nature-- despite repression and language barriers. She remarked that since 1946, aside from the Canadian geese in the field nearby, I am their first foreign guest!

All I can say is Danke Schon! (thank you!). My last few days have been wet and tight and with little food.

As I commented on in my last post I have been struggling with my fear and anxiety about arriving in Berlin. I have slowed down. My worries have come to the surface and begun to define my experience. I can see this with clarity now-- I am in a such a fluid space that each thought I have quickly manifests itself. That has happened. Now, as I consciosly raise my spirits, examine and embrace my fear, my experience changes.

And I meet wonderful people like Rudd and Hand Jurgen!

The family gathered around as we shared (all in German!) about life in Canada and Deutshland. And this morning, I am trying her hard not have hopeful expectations, but, I may just have a... Coffee!

Why should I be afraid?

There is nothing to be afraid of.


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