Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Spoke Incident

Holy smokes.

Its amazing how things can go so quickly from good to bad.  One moment I am cruising down a nice road on a sunny spring day.  The next, two spokes blow out, my wheel is massive warped, and I've lost my top quality, ultra crucial, cycling glove.


My friend Wout asked me the other day what I would do if I had a major mechanical problem and no money.

Well, Wout... here's your answer in the way that it actually happened:   

I was just able to keep cycling despite massive friction between my tire and frame.  I figured my wheel was toast and I would somehow have to get a new one despite the fact I was in the middle of the countryside and a long long way from any bike shops, not to mention the money issue.  

However, my glove being still retreivable I decided to retrace my steps.  I cycled like a lame duck back the way I had come

A few slow kilometres later... on the side of a field, I saw it.

Not my glove... but an old discarded bike wheel!  

 I pulled over and set to work.  Mircaculously, it was the same size as mine.  I salvaged and exchanged the parts I needed.   I've never replaced spokes or re-tuned a tire, but as the moon rose and my friends the stars joined me, I managed to do it.

After several hours of intense work, the new tire spun smoothly in my fork.  I lay down in the field and thanked the universe.   I was a little proud of myself too!   I seriously didn't think it could be done.

It had been a long day.   I headed in to treat myself to some spaghetti at an Italian restauraunt where the owner had given me some tomatoes as a gift earler in the day.  It was only a kilometre or so from where I now was.   Ahhh... nice.

Now to find my blessed glove!

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